Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Friends please be prepared. I am inundated with scare tactics, emails and warnings everyday now because of the false propaganda going on about the swine flu.

Does the swine flu exist? Yes. Is it as dangerous as is being claimed? No. Is the government trying to force us to take the vaccines? It looks like they are. Will they succeed? Not yet known. Is the swine flu naturally occurring? No. Is it man made? YES! Is there something we can do about it? YES!

Here are products you should have on hand at all times not just in a crisis: Living Streams Probiotics, Oxysilver, Antibiotic herbs, E3 Live caps, Liquid Minerals and Detox herbs, and start using them NOW!

The Living Streams Probiotics is the best probiotic available today because it is living organisms that not only help to support your immune system but helps your digestive system work more efficiently by converting what goes in, into a more consumable product, which then is more fully absorb, thereby providing more nutrient into your body. Probiotic Testimonies

Oxysilver is both oxygen and colloidal silver also the best product on the market today. Colloidal silver kills pathogens within 6 minutes on contact and can be taken continually without side effects. The list is over 700 illnesses that Oxysilver kills. Truly a must have. This product is also an affiliate product so you can buy directly from the company and purchase at a discount as well as sell the product for extra income, click here for sign up.

Antibiotic herbs: Goldenseal, Echinacea, Garlic and Myrrh

These herbs mixed together provide a powerful anti-biotic and anti-viral. I like to mix these herbs with the Oxysilver when the flu season comes around along with the Living Streams Probiotic and my household does not come down with any signs of flu or cold all season. Goldenseal cannot be used for more than 10 consecutive days. You must take a break for at least a week then if needed you can take it another 10 days. Also if you are pregnant you should not use goldenseal, garlic or myrrh. You can buy certified organic bulk herbs here or the link above for a 5 oz prepackaged mix.

E3 Live is a bluegreen algae from Klamath Falls, it supplies a long list of nutrients including oxygen, coQ10, and the omegas which we are sorely missing in our diets today.

Liquid Minerals is from the salt flats and supplies over 75 minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, electrolytes, antioxidants as well as much of the E3 Live but because it is from the salt flats it provides nutrients from a different source. If it were left up to the FDA we would be only getting nutrients from chemicals, which of course we would die from because there are no nutrients in chemicals or drugs! So getting your nutrients from pure healthy and different sources will nourish your body and provide all the different needs. You wouldn’t just eat apples and never eat oranges would you? Of course not, nor should you expect to get all you need from one source.

Detox herbs: Bedstraw, Calendula, Horsetail, Stinging Nettle, Pa D’Arco, Plantain and Yarrow

This mix is mild and safe for all ages to drink. It not only cleans your arteries it cleans and rejuvenates your organs as well. So the longer you drink this mix you are cleaning your entire body and rebuilding. It’s a must have for athletes, body builders and everyone wanting to build and restore a healthier body. Do not use any of the above herbs if you have an allergy to them. Click here to buy certified organic bulk herbs or the link above for prepackaged capsules.

For more information and products please go to: http://simpliessential.com and http://simpliessential.com/catalog

Thank you for using my site and links, which help to keep me in business. I appreciate your support. Many blessings, may they flow unbroken, Nicolette 8/4/09

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